Post-Aspiration Catalyst®

You could be featured in Kim’s upcoming book The Adventure of BOLD Leadership! Click here to tell us your BOLD Story

You Become Who You Spend Time With

You may have seen that earlier this year I hosted an executive retreat in San Diego with a fantastic group of business leaders looking for ways to work smarter, achieve more, enhance well-being, and build a community.


Let’s start with the way that these leaders connected with each other. New friendships formed as the result of spending time together. They formed a community of support that has lasted well beyond the retreat. Despite the fact that these leaders came from very different backgrounds and experiences, they quickly realized that their challenges are similar, and they have a lot in common.


Leaders often feel alone in terms of the burden that they're carrying. We all need a space where it is ok to let it all out and identify strategies on how to deal with challenges successfully. When we connect with each other, as these high performing leaders/entrepreneurs did, we create a lasting bond and kinship in supporting each other’s growth. This is what is called a Mastermind; a peer-to-peer mentoring concept used to help members solve their problems with input and advice from the other group members.

Rise Up

As the great mentor, Jim Rohn said, “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”. Knowing you; I don’t think you are looking to be average. What would it look like for you to rise up in the coming year?

In my estimation, most are looking to be well above average. So, if that’s true, are you surrounding yourself with people that you admire, are looking to emulate and learn from? Are you spending time with people who will ultimately help you achieve your very best?

At Aspiration Catalyst®, we are creating new Mastermind groups for 2020. If you envision greater success for you and your business, maybe it’s time to join. Let me know if we can help.

Cheers to a great 2020! Kim
