Do you ever feel depleted and stretched too thin? You are a successful businesswoman but you find it difficult to find time to focus on what truly matters to YOU. This probably leaves you feeling uninspired, exhausted, and stuck in a rut.
Building High Performing Teams Part 2
Co-Worker Conflict: The Best Way Out, Upward, And Onward
Have you ever butted heads with someone at work and didn’t know how to resolve it? We’ve all been there. But we’re not talking about an argument with a random individual. No, we’re referring to a team member who you regularly have to engage with on projects as part of your role.
When this happens, there’s no avoiding the painful fact that you and this other person go together like oil and water. With seemingly no way out, the cycle of conflict with this co-worker repeats itself, making you feel trapped, dread going to work, and even cause you to look for another job entirely.
However, there’s good news: the situation is often very fixable. Let me provide you with a great example from a client to illustrate.
Building High Performing Teams Part 1
What’s Your “Why?” (And How I Found Mine)
Simon Sinek frequently talks and writes about “Finding Your Why” to discover what your purpose is. I find this very interesting and inspiring and have given the book to many of my clients to discover their why.
Starting my company, Aspiration Catalyst, came directly from my why and has brought it to life in vivid color through the work that we do. Aspiring to help others by sharing knowledge, experience, and proven pathways to growth and success is something that is innate. I just love to help.